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Robert Restino Financial Advisor
Optimism is a mental attitude reflecting a belief or hope that the outcome of some specific endeavor will be positive, favorable, and desirable. Depending on the situation and information you have, you may see the glass as half full or as half empty. The way the media presents economic news could cause your optimism to turn to worry and fear.

While pessimism can at times be a healthy and smart reaction, it can also hinder us at times…

My recent personal observations and experience have given me a renewed optimistic view. When my children finish their last day of school we head to NE Georgia to spend our summer. We live in a little cabin that borders miles and miles of the Chattahoochee National Forest. It takes us about 12 hours to make it there from South Florida. We have been making this migration for about 18 years. During those 18 years we have seen the ups and downs of the businesses that line our route be it through large towns, small towns, or sparsely populated regions that are stops along our way there and back.

We have watched that ebb and flow and been personally connected to it all as we stop for food, lodging, or if the kids need to burn off some energy. We have always talked with the people we encounter and ask them “how’s business?” Since the market correction in 2000 we have had our finger on the pulse of these large and small businesses along our route.

In all of those years we have never before experienced the type of energy that we have this summer. Commercial buildings that had been shuttered or barely hanging on now have cut grass, a fresh coat of paint, and a smile when we enter. The mood is upbeat and the answers to my same old question of “how’s business” are overwhelmingly positive. People are optimistic for a number of reasons.

Not only have we just gone through a massive deregulation of businesses across our great country, the optimistic energy of growth is even spreading to sparsely populated regions I drive through. The glass is half full, and maybe even filling up more.


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