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China and US Peace in Phases

With Phase 1 of a China/US trade agreement now past, my hope is for the Chinese people to find a way forward to truly join the world in peace and prosperity. It would be the first time ever. China still operates as it always has. The Peoples Republic of China is...

China – What the Miracle is Made Of

The Nixon administration opened the gate for China to venture out and engage more with the world with a focus on our shared interests for peace rather than our differences. The Nixon administration was successful in helping China join the world after decades of poor...

Beyond China’s Trade War

A look at trade disputes and their impact . In our recent client discussions, we have noticed many hold an optimistic view of the current market conditions. I am in agreement as I have never seen this level of strength in value and strength in purpose like this in my...

Free To Choose

FREE TO CHOOSE Florida Business Owners aren’t locked into 401k plans as their only choice If you have a business with less than 100 employees there are more options than operating a “costly” 401k that could better fit your plan goals. A 401k plan includes...

Optimism – A firsthand Observation of Growth

Optimism is a mental attitude reflecting a belief or hope that the outcome of some specific endeavor will be positive, favorable, and desirable. Depending on the situation and information you have, you may see the glass as half full or as half empty. The way the media...